Image Making


Film and photography played a significant role in the initial stages of the project, on one hand to document the sites for reference, and also to document the students themselves, their thoughts, and their presence in the site.  The students were asked to film themselves in the site and to think of these short films or photographs as portraits of themselves in that moment in time in that space, and as an aid to reflect upon the significance of that place to them.  

American photographer Lee Friedlander included himself in photographs he took of social spaces, street scenes and landscapes by including shadows or reflections of himself in store fronts, wing mirrors and reflective surfaces.  The photographs were social landscapes and self portraits at the same time. His implicit presence in the photographs add a personal dimension to the works and they become a document of his existence at that time and place.

Working with the students and researchers in Kosovo and Rwanda, the artist Susan Sloan encouraged this form of image making as creative practice early on in the project, to elicit and also document self-reflective, creative responses and their dialogue with the site.  

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