Shtepia e Hertica
The Hertica house school was one of the private houses that turned into a school.
Sami Frasheri high school in Prishtina was one of the largest and most prestigious high schools in Kosova.
After being banned from entering school facilities, during the 1991 school year, school teachers, parents and community leaders began looking for alternative spaces to continue the school year.

Dodona Theatre
During 1990 alone an estimated 45 percent of Kosovar Albanians lost their jobs under these measures, reaching almost all public sector employees by the end of the following year. The regime centralized control in Belgrade and annexed Kosova.
It was in this context that Dodona Theater came to be known as the ‘theater of resistance.’ It emerged as an independent artistic space of multiple possibilities, negotiating disparate constraints and pressures that created transformative pedagogy, performance and resistance